Online 4-H Project Resources
On-line 4-H Project links:
We are providing on-line support to 4-H project leaders and 4-Hers with resources to engage learning while at home. If you have any questions please contact the 4-H office for more details or help in obtaining additional 4-H resources.
On-line resources for 4-H club leaders, 4-H project leaders and 4-H youth from 4-H state office for technology. Please visit this site to help meet your needs. The 4-H county office is always willing to help as well. Here is the link:
Enjoy these on-line 4-H project learning materials from the comfort of your home or 4-H project meeting.
4-H Projects offered from STEM to Animals
Activies to keep every 4-Hers busy while they are learning from home.
5 Ways to keep kids engaged and learn at home
Home Economic & Healthy Living Projects
4-H CPR, Water Safety & COVID-19 Website
Meagan's 4-H All Star County Ambassador Project
You will discover informational videos and resources to help keep you safe in water, sun, COVID-19. You will also learn ways to help another person in distress with CPR!
We encourage you to take a few moments to brush up on some life saving techniques.
4-H Crafts Projects
We do not have a standard manual for this project but you may find the following resources helpful:
4-H Inspired project on Pinterest
4-H Jewelry making with ordinary items
4-H Cooking Project
4-H Recipes we learned as kids
4-H Sewing Project
4-H primary (5-8 year old) sewing manual
4-H Fashion Revue Contest & Requirements
Fashion Revue Show will be schedule after COVID-19 shelter in place is released.
Fiber Art Project
Gardening Project
Starting Tomatoes from Seeds instructional video
DIY gardening and landscaping ideas to save money
4-H Healthy Living Project
Healthy Living project actives
4-H Cloverbuds (ages 5 to 9 years old)
Cloverbud Active Book A thru C
Cloverbud HORSE Active Book
4-H primary (5-8 year old) sewing manual
4-H Livestock Projects
4-H members check with your 4-H project leader first! Due to the COVID-19 stay-at-home order issued by the Governor of California, watching these videos may replace in-person project meetings.”
Fun ways to learn about livestock with a local 4-H family:
- Welcome to our animal Education Series
- Why BarSZ Rabbits Eat their Poop
- Colton’s Heifer Gets Impregnated!
- Baby goats born on the ranch
- Maddi demonstrates rabbit showmanship
- Maddi demonstrates cavy showmanship
- Haleigh's Meat Rabbits educational series
Show-Rite Livestock Show Classroom | Webinars | VIDEOS
4-H Beef Cattle project
4-H Beef Heifer AI Demo by a local Veteran
4-H Goat project
4-H Sheep Project
4-H Swine Project
4-H Equine Horse Project
4-H Poultry Project
4-H Rabbit Project
4-H STEM Projects
4-H STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) at home active projects
4-H Film making Project
4-H Computer Science Project
4-H Table Top Game (Hobbies) Project
Discover the art of 4-H Math club
Robotics and STEM Project ideas
Ten minute science projects
4-H Outdoor Projects
4-H Shooting Sports
4-H Outdoor Adventures Project