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Inspiring Video & Recipes from 4-H Community

Inspiring Video from 4-H Community

4-H State Congress | Virginia Cooperative Extension | Virginia Tech"Inspiring Video

from 4-H Community"

logo 2020 Holiday recipes from 4-H community    

logo   Quail Creek 4-H Virtual Petting Zoo Video

Quail Creek 4-H families would like to thank all the first responders and families shelter in place to keep our community safe.  We understand the struggles and hardship this is causing our community.  We decide to create a virtual petting zoo to share our animals with you!  May this video brighten your day! 

pay forward

"Message of Kindness"

          4-H families created a Message of Kindness Video to share with our community.  The inspiration for the video came from 4-Her's in our program to say "Thank you" to emergency responders, hospital workers and cheer up hospital patience's and elderly.  

4 H Face Masks | Redbubble   "4-Her's Making Mask Video"

 4-H member and families   from across California   have  put their sewing   skills to go use for the greater good of our communities .   The sewing skills learned by 4-H youth is   proving to be invaluable! Enjoy this   4-H Mask Making Video   shared by California 4-H members! 


Pinnacle Safety Training "4-H CPR, Water Safety & COVID-19 Website"

Meagan's 4 H Clover Clip Art & Look At Clip Art Images - ClipartLook All Star County Ambassador Project  

You will discover informational videos and resources to help keep you safe in water, sun, COVID-19.  You will also learn ways to help another person in distress with CPR!  
We encourage you to take a few moments to brush up on some life saving techniques.