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Record Books

Record Book Forms


4-H Record Books - District 12 4-H Youth

The 4-H program has a long history of record keeping. The focus reflects the importance of this life skill in our daily lives. In 4-H, young people have tracked their activities, events, profits and losses, skill development and learning experiences, and much more using the iconic 4-H Record Book. In addition to record keeping, the 4-H Record Book gives members an opportunity to reflect on their year, measure their achievements and growth, and set goals, and develop plans to meet those goals.


New Record Book Manuals for Spark & Star Rank. 

Why have 4-H record books?

4-H Record Books serve a variety of purposes in the California 4-H Youth Development Program.

  • 4-H Record Books give members an opportunity to reflect on their yearly work. They document their skill development and their learning experiences in a written report. 4-H members measure their achievements and growth in their total years in 4-H.
  • 4-H Record Books encourage members to set goals, pursue strategies to meet those goals, and to shift gears in the face of challenges and obstacles. Completion of the Personal Development Report awards 4-H members for participation in 4-H activities, which provides an incentive for participation, learning, and achievement.
  • Completing a 4-H Record Book is a process where 4-H members record project and club work. Records management (RM) is a competency skill to identify, create, classify, archive, and preserve records. The 4-H Record Book teaches 4-H members these skills through a standard format.



Outlined below you will find the MINIMUM requirements to participate in the incentives and recognition program and all fairs. Keep in mind that additional requirements may be required and are outlined below.

  1. Must be enrolled in club and projects by December 31st of the program year.
  2. For each project, complete a minimum of six (6) hours of project instruction or more as required by the project leader.
  3. Complete the Annual Project Report (APR) from date of enrollment OR 4-H year (July 1st to June 30th)
    1. Turn APR into the 4-H office for each livestock project showing at the fair by due date listed on 4-H Council Calendar, newsletter, or email from 4-H office prior to showing at fair.
  4. Incentives and Recognition Eligibility Youth may enroll in 4-H at any time, however to be eligible for Incentive & Recognition awards members must:
    1. Meet the minimum participation requirements identified above to be considered for the following:
      1. year pin & stripe
      2. star level
  • record book competition
  1. record books are not a requirement for participation in club activities, events or conferences San Benito County Adopted: August 22ndh, 2016 4-H Youth Development Program
  2. members enrolling after December 31st are eligible to earn record book credits for their cumulative totals but are not eligible to earn star ranking during the initial partial year
  3. to receive record book credit for any given project, you must attend a minimum of 80% of all the project meetings iv. project proficiency awards/pins
  • Eligibility to Exhibit at Fairs All 4-H exhibitors must:
    1. Meet the minimum participation requirements identified above.
    2. Complete additional requirements as determined by the project leader, in accordance with the county 4-H YDP staff.
    3. Meet eligibility requirements by the time fair entry forms are due. This applies to San Benito County 4-H members participating in any and all fairs, not just those identified below.
    4. All 4-H livestock project exhibitors (including market, breeding, meat pens of rabbits or poultry) must:
    5. Meet the ownership requirements as outlined in UC Policy
    6. Member must be currently enrolled in club and project(s) for no less than 60 consecutive days prior to the start date of the fair c. Attend 80% of all species project meetings for each species you take to the fair
    7. Must exhibit a still display at the Salinas Valley, Monterey, and San Benito County Fairs as per fair policies.

Not Required for 4-H Membership

4-H Record Books are not required for membership or for participation in 4-H activities such as club events and activities, or for attending 4-H camps or conferences. A 4-H Record Books may be required to receive participation awards (such as star ranking, medals or pins based on 4-H Record Book achievements).

State Record Book

Related image

For the 4-H State Competition, Record Books are due to the State 4-H Office by November. 

The State Record Book competition is focused on selecting senior 4-H members who have demonstrated a well-rounded 4-H experience. Books are judged against standard criteria.  Those books recording the most outstanding 4-H work, goal management skills, and leadership and citizenship development are selected as state medalists and/or state winners

The Purpose of the State 4-H Record Book Competition:

  • Provides an incentive to members to keep accurate records in their 4-H Record Book.
  • Members receive feedback and encouragement on their 4-H skill development, leadership and citizenship development, and record-keeping skills.
  • Members are recognized for outstanding 4-H work.

Eligibility for State Competition

If the criteria for eligibility are not met, a member's book will be disqualified from the competition.

  • Age Eligibility: Senior 4-H members (at least 14 years of age and no older than 19 years old by December 31 of the program year for which the book is being entered) are eligible to enter state competition.
  • Use of Correct Forms: Members who are planning to submit their Record Book to state competition must download and use the most current forms, found on this website. One way to be sure to do this is to always download the latest version of the Record Book Manual and forms from the state website. 
  • Intent to Submit: This form is a recent addition to the State 4-H Record Book Judging Process. Members who are planning to submit their Record Book to state competition must complete this form by September. 

  • State 4-H Cover Page - The State 4-H Judging Cover Page must be included with 4-H Record Books entered for State Evaluation. The Cover Page may not be altered. 
  • County Check Sheet - A county check sheet must be included with 4-H Record Books entered for State Evaluation. 4-H Staff from the County 4-H Cooperative Extension Office, must complete the checklist and ensure the completeness of the 4-H Record Book.