Metallica's James Hetfield Guitar Center Interview - On Stagecraft

Jun 19, 2023

A fact of extension work is that you do a lot of presentations in front of audiences, and for people who take it seriously it is a challenging yet very rewarding aspect of the work.  

I think that what (starts at minute 9:26, I've set it to start there for you) James Hetfield of the rock band Metallica is saying here puts very much into words what I feel myself when doing a presentation.  Not to say the audiences to which I present are anything close to what he and his band play to, including probably the largest crowd of people ever assembled in history, some 1.6 million people at a show in Moscow in 1991, I still find his " sense of purpose, sense of being, sense of communication" to really capture the feeling of what it is like to be performing in front of a group of people.  Too, the distinction a bit later on of how one acts in front of a large crowd as compared to being with smaller, more intimate group is spot on, although not that many people in the presentation business really pay attention to that. 

Also, look at the light in James' eyes when he talks about playing and performing, he truly loves his work. 



By Mark Bolda
Author - Farm Advisor, Strawberries & Caneberries