2801 Second Street
Davis, CA 95618
Also in:
El Dorado County
- Outstanding Comprehensive Educational Program to Improve Management of Family Owned Forests
Presented by National Woodland Owners Association, 2022
- Outstanding Educational Materials Award - Newsletter or Series of Articles, Bronze Award
Presented by Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals, https://www.anrep.org/docs/ANREP_awards_descriptions_2022_short.pdf, 2022
- Outstanding Educational Materials Award - TV or Video, Bronze Award
Presented by Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals, https://www.anrep.org/docs/ANREP_awards_descriptions_2022_short.pdf, 2022
Forest and natural resources education; adult education; facilitationAreas of Expertise (click to see all ANR academics with this expertise)
Peer Reviewed
- Ingram, K. C.; Kocher, S. D. (2015). Natural History of the Sierra Nevada. UC ANR 8000 Series.
Sulak, Adriana; Kocher, Susie; Huntsinger, Lynn; Ingram, Kim; Lombardo, Anne; Kelly, Maggi; and Lei, Shufei. (2015). PARTICIPATION TEAM FINAL REPORT. Appendix F in Learning how to apply adaptive management in Sierra Nevada forests: An integrated assessment. P. Hopkinson and J. Battles. Berkeley, CA, Center for Forestry, UC Berkeley. 203. August. Available on line at: http://snamp.cnr.berkeley.edu/documents/676/index.html/.
Non-Peer Reviewed
- Ingram, Kim (2024). BMPs for forested riparian area vegetation management. ANREP Monthly Digest - West Region Edition. Online. December. https://anrep.org/news_manager.php?page=38549
- Ingram, Kim (2024). De-mystifying the workings of a sawmill and timber company. Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals. June. https://anrep.org/news_manager.php?page=36092
- Ingram, Kim (2024). Diversity in small forest landowner goals across the globe: A brief look at California, Ireland and Slovenia. Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals.S. Kocher. March. https://member.anrep.org/members/broadcasts_print.php?iid=144740691&org_id=ANRE
- Ingram, Kim (2024). Empowerment and Incentivization for Forest Management. UC Delivers.S. Kocher. Online, UC ANR. March 11. https://ucanr.edu/blogs/blogcore/postdetail.cfm?postnum=59153
- Ingram, Kim (2024). Forest Inventory Tools. UC ANR Forest Stewardship Fact Sheets. May. https://ucanr.edu/sites/forestry/files/398135.pdf
- Ingram, Kim; Kocher, Susie, et al. (2024). Forest Management Goals and Barriers for California Small Landowners. The Forestry Source. The Society of American Foresters. 29:6, 1-2. June. https://mydigitalpublication.com/publication/?i=822611&p=&pn=
- Ingram, Kim; Farmer, Kyle (2024). Small Hand Tools for Forest Vegetation Management. UC ANR Forest Stewardship Fact Sheets. May. https://ucanr.edu/sites/forestry/files/398134.pdf
- Ingram, Kim; Norville, Tori (2023). Forest Management Plans for Private Forest Landowners – Why you need one! UC ANR Forest Stewardship Fact Sheets. https://ucanr.edu/sites/forestry/files/387894.pdf
- Dean, Grace (2023). Forest Stewardship Story Map.K. Ingram. Online. https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/26c286a1aca1405598e04717cabef7f0/page/Forest-Stewardship-Story-Map/?org=UCANR&views=Directions%2CPFEvents%2CFSEvents
- Ingram, Kim (2022). California small forest landowners describe concerns and barriers to managing their forests and oak woodlands. Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals.S. Kocher. October. https://member.anrep.org/msg_detail.php?mid=110739763
- Ingram, Kim (2022). California’s Small Forest Landowners: Goals and barriers of motivated landowners. Forest Landowners of California Family Forest News. 59, 5. Fall. https://bit.ly/FLCfall2022
- Ingram, Kim; Kocher, Susan, et al. (2022). California's Small Forest Landowners:Goals and barriers of landowners motivated to manage their forests. A report to the CA Fire and Forest Resilience Task Force. November.
- Ingram, Kim (2020). [Bi-monthly] Forest Stewardship Newsletter.S. Kocher. Ongoing. https://ucanr.edu/sites/forestry/Forest_Stewardship/ForestStewardshipWorkshops/Materials/Useful_websites_and_other_contact_information_/
- Ingram, Kim (2020). [Bi-monthly]Forest Research and Outreach Blogs.S. Kocher. Ongoing. https://ucanr.edu/blogs/forestrymgmt/
- Ingram, Kim (2020). Cruising During COVID. Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals.S. Kocher. Summer. https://d15k2d11r6t6rl.cloudfront.net/public/users/Integrators/c2036c03-dbf6-4270-99c5-7afb8a06e2b9/ANRE/ANREP_Summer2020_1.pdf
Ingram, Kim C; Kocher, Susan et al. (2014). Facilitation Skills for a Collaborative Adaptive Management Process. A workbook to train natural resource managers and stakeholders in facilitation of collaborative projects. January. http://snamp.cnr.berkeley.edu/documents/574/
ANR Workgroup Associations
- California Naturalist - Member
- Forest Ecosystems and Communities - Member
- Native American Community Partnerships - Member