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Janice Alexander

Forest Health Program Coordinator
Cooperative Extension Marin County
1682 Novato Boulevard
Suite 150-B
Novato, CA 94947
(415) 473-4204 Ext.3041
jalexander@ucanr.edu Create VCard



Janice Alexander joined the U.C. Cooperative Extension, Marin County in 2002. Since then, she has operated as the Outreach Coordinator with the California Oak Mortality Task Force, coordinating statewide education and outreach efforts for Sudden Oak Death; as well as Outreach Coordinator and Vice Chair of the California Firewood Task Force, conducting outreach on other invasive species and on the risks of firewood movement for spreading forest pests. Janice spent two years working with Marin County’s 4-H program as a Special Projects Coordinator to develop and support environmental and agricultural education programs and continues to work educating under-served youth populations on natural resource issues. She more recently has worked with California native tribes in managing pest issues in their forest lands with the Western Region Tribal IPM Work Group and is helping organize responses to new Phytophthora pathogens in native plant nurseries and restoration sites with the Working Group for Phytophthoras in Native Habitats.

Janice received a B.A. in Environmental Science and an M.S. in Range Management, both at the University of California, Berkeley. She has worked with the San Francisco Estuary Institute, the San Francisco Bay Joint Venture, and the San Francisco Wetland Habitat Goals Project on many different projects in the baylands environments. Through her graduate work on French broom invasion and grassland restoration in Marin County, she worked with the Marin Municipal Water District, Ca. State Parks, GGNRA, and other local land agencies.


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