This message is from Ken Tate, Professor and Rustici Specialist in Rangeland Watershed Sciences at UC Davis...
"This is an important opportunity for the CA rangeland and livestock community (academics, managers, producers) to provide input on the guidance document the state water board is developing. I am working with the board as they develop this non-regulatory guidance, and they are truly open to input. Input based on clear science, management experience with situational context (e.g., specifying rangeland ecosystem, private or public lands, cattle or sheep grazing, bacteria or sediment or nutrients).
Note this survey is on-line and closes July 22.
I can provide more background and context on this effort if interested, but this is the outcome of the state's resolution in 2015 to halt GRAP – updating the 1995 CA Ranch Water Quality Plan ("
If you have questions for Ken, he can be reached at
Here is the link to the survey: If you want to see the questions and write your responses ahead of time, Click the following link to download the questions: California State Water Board Grazing Survey.
Author - San Benito County Director and Area Livestock and Natural Resources Advisor
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