Oct 13, 2016
Knocking Out Noxious Weeds on Rangelands
November 16, 2016
8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Cost: $15, includes lunch and materials
Agricultural Center Conference Room
UC Cooperative Extension Monterey County
1432 Abbott Street
Salinas, CA 93901
This will be a great local workshop, with some amazing speakers!
Bring in weed and plant samples to have them identified by experts!
Topics covered will include control of yellow starthistle & other thistles, tumbleweed, medusahead, and ground squirrels. We will also hear about weeds that are poisonous to livestock, using grazing to control weeds, and how forage production and plant species composition has changed over the last several years.
Here's the flier: http://bit.ly/2e5iSKe.
Register here: www.KnockOutWeeds.com.