Join the San Benito County Cattlemen's Association Board

Apr 15, 2016

Are you motivated and involved in the cattle industry?  Do you have ideas you'd like to share?

The San Benito County Cattlemen's Association is looking for a couple new board members. They are especially interested in getting younger people on the board.  Older cowboys with energy and wisdom to share are highly sought after as well!  You don't have to own your own cattle.  If you work on a ranch or work with cattle in some other way, that's great. Being on the board is a two-year commitment. Meetings are once a month on Thursday evenings.

I depend on the Cattlemen's board for advice and direction as I develop my research and education program.  So, please join the board and tell me what you think!

If you're interested in becoming a board member, let me know and and I'll get you in touch with the Board. Or if you know someone who you think would be a good board member, please pass this info along to them.  You can reach me at or 831-637-5346 x 14.


By Devii R. Rao
Author - San Benito County Director and Area Livestock and Natural Resources Advisor