Oaks in the Urban Landscape - October 10

Sep 16, 2013


Oaks in the Urban Landscape: Selection, Care, and Preservation is the most current and comprehensive handbook available for the management of oak trees. Join authors Larry Costello, Bruce Hagen and Katherine Jones, along with UC Cooperative Extension's Dr. James Downer, in presenting an overview of this impressive book. Information on the program can be found at this LINK. There is a preview video on the program available here

Ordering Copies of the Book: The book can be ordered from UC ANR publications at this LINK

Meeting Information: 

  • Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History
  • Oct. 10, 2013, 8:00am - 4:30pm
  • 6 CEUs from the International Society of Arboriculture

Registration Information:

Registration for this program is available here. Questions? 1-866-785-8960

By Richard B Standiford
Author - Cooperative Extension Forest Management Specialist, Emeritus