2021 Pest Management Meeting
Sponsors: UCCE, Monterey; CSUMB; USDA-ARS, Salinas; Monterey County Agricultural Commissioner
Thursday, November 18
Spreckels Veteran's Memorial Building
7:50 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
No Advanced Registration Required- Free Attendance
7:50 Introductions
8:00 Vegetable weed control studies: Injection of Kerb through drip systems and herbicide testing in Brassica vegetables
Steve Fennimore, Extension Vegetable Weed Scientist, UC, Davis
8:30 Update on the use of steam and automated weeders for control of weeds and soilborne diseases in lettuce
Steve Fennimore, Extension Vegetable Weed Scientist, UC, Davis
9:00 Epidemiology and management of Fusarium wilt of lettuce
Alex Putnam, Plant Pathology Specialist, UC, Riverside
9:30 Epidemiology and management of Pythium diseases on spinach
Jim Correll, Professor of Plant Pathology, U of Arkansas
10:00 Management of Pythium wilt of lettuce
JP Dundore-Arias, Plant Pathology Professor, CSU, Monterey Bay & Richard Smith, Vegetable Crop and Weed Science Farm Advisor UCCE Monterey
10:30 Break
11:00 Biology and Management of Diamondback Moth
John Palumbo, Professor and Extension Specialist, U of Arizona
11:30 Approaches to managing aphids and thrips in lettuce
Ian Grettenberger, Extension Entomology Specialist, UC, Davis
12:00 Research update on thrips and INSV
Daniel Hasegawa, Research Entomologist, USDA ARS, Salinas
12:30 Conclusion
4.0 DPR continuing education credits have been approved (other category)
For more information, contact Richard Smith @ 831-759-7357, email: rifsmith@ucdavis.edu
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