Jul 15, 2021
UC AG Expert Talk: Grape Powdery Mildew Management and Challenges
Inthiswebinar, various speakersfromUCandUCCE will discuss:
-biology and ID of powdery mildew
-history of sulfur use, formulations, mode of application, and role in resistance management
-air assisted sprayer settings, air induction nozzles, and using spray cards to assess coverage
-the effect of certain weather conditions on drift
-powdery mildew fungicide resistance and the importance of FRAC codes
-efficacy of various products for management of powdery mildew in vineyards
-history of sulfur use, formulations, mode of application, and role in resistance management
-air assisted sprayer settings, air induction nozzles, and using spray cards to assess coverage
-the effect of certain weather conditions on drift
-powdery mildew fungicide resistance and the importance of FRAC codes
-efficacy of various products for management of powdery mildew in vineyards
Two DPR CE units (other) and two CCA CE units (IPM) were requested. See flyer for registration information.
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