A symposium dedicated to lygus, bagrada, brown marmorated stink bug will be held on 18-20 April, 2017 in Seaside, CA. Several researchers around the globe working on true bug will present their findings in the symposium. It will be a great opportunity for you all to participate and learn the recent development in bug science. Last day of the symposium (20 April 2017), the talks will be steered toward growers, PCAs and any personnel involved in pest management. Please do not forget to register ahead of time. Registration and other information about the symposium could be found at this following link -
Contact me (Shimat Joseph) at (831) 229-8985 or svjoseph@ucanr.edu or Mark Bolda at (831) 763-8025 or mpbolda@ucanr.edu if you have any questions.